
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Healthy Children, Healthy Families Program to Start at Six Faith Based Organizations

Agape Love Christian Center, Church of St. Helena, Iglesia de Dios, Mt. Zion CME Church and two New Covenant Christian Church locations are the first six of 24 faith based organizations participating in the Healthy Children, Healthy Families program. This family focused, faith-driven nutrition and fitness program will help to prevent and reduce obesity among children and adolescents in communities in the South Bronx. Twelve children (ages 8-12) and their parents/caregivers at each participating church will attend the eight week, hour and a half-long nutrition and fitness workshops. The program aims to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables participants eat; reduce the eating of simple carbohydrates; and increase time spent physically active.

'I wanted my church to participate in the Healthy Children, Healthy Families program because it brings families together to not only improve children's health but that of adults’ health as well,' said Rev. Dr. Theresa Oliver, Pastor at Mt. Zion CME Church in the Bronx. 'We have 11 children on board for the program and when the program ends I hope to have a mom tell me the program provided her with knowledge to cook and serve healthier meals for her family.'

If your faith based organization is interested in participating in the Healthy Children, Healthy Families or you know of others that may be interested, contact Yolanda Benitez at (212) 633-0800 ext. 1344.

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